What is Neurosculpting®?


Neurosculpting® is a 5-step meditation process that can strategically help an individual release the grip of old patterns and entrain their brain to creating new, and more supportive patterns, habits and behaviors.  

In more specific terms, Neurosculpting® was developed by Lisa Wimberger as a method to support self-directed neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to transform, through the union of neuroscience and meditation practices to aid in the down-regulation of chronic CNS (Central Nervous System) arousal states. Unique to the Neurosculpting® methodology is its methodical structure and intentional whole-brain engagement designed to support the management of stress through specific languaging, and simultaneously up-regulate focused attention through life practices, including brain-specific nutrition.

The Five-Step Process

Step One: Down-regulates hyperactive stress activity and an engagement with parasympathetic response.

Step Two: Enhances focused attention to support with emotional regulation.

Step Three: Increases the activity between our analytical self and our intuitive feeling self.

Step Four: Links somatosensory, bodily sensation-based, engagement to perceptual shifts in patterns.

Step Five: Enables the user to easily identify and replicate the process in day-to-day activities